Training Courses for Combat Martial Arts Instructors


International Combat Martial Arts Unions Association


For registered Black Belts and Equivalents, Instructors, Examiners



ICMAUA Courses and E-Certificates for Instructors are available.


Taking into account that acquiring new knowledge depends on the willingness of the person, but nowadays there is a large number of the possibilities to approach the contents of education, these courses were compiled by the Doctor of Biology, Doctor of Pedagogy, and Doctor of Philosophy of Martial Arts (Honorary), Lecturers in University, and experienced Combat Martial Arts Instructors in such a way so that they stimulate independent search of information and self-studies of the Student-Instructor.


Each course offered includes 20 questions and tasks, the answers to which you are offered to find independently in your country legislation, methodical literature for instructors, sources in Internet, and in your work with your students. The volume of the answer is supposed to take 1 hour of work. The volume of every course is 20 hours + 4 hours of independent practical activity in your school with students. Consequently the general volume of the course covers 24 hours.


You yourself are fully responsible for the quality of the knowledge acquired during the course and the result of its use in life.




ICMAUA courses for Instructors:


1.     Safety of the Martial Arts studies

2.     Successful management of the Martial Arts school

3.     Martial Arts training for children

4.     Martial Arts Training and COVID-19



Safety of the Martial Arts Studies


1.     What is the purpose of Martial Arts training for this group of students?

2.     What is the purpose of Martial Arts training in your school?

3.     What kinds of physical, psychic, and moral traumas you have got for the years of Martial Arts practice?

4.     What kinds of injuries are possible for the students during trainings?

5.     What are the first symptoms or signs of these injuries?

6.     What should one do if he noticed the student has these symptoms?

7.     Which methods of training can lead to such injuries?

8.     In what cases can it happen?

9.     What kind of equipment can lead injuries?

10.  In what cases can it happen?

11.  What can lead to injuries in the premises of the school and around it?

12.  In what cases does it happen?

13.  Who is to be blamed for these injuries?

14.  What 5 measures can you conduct in your school in order to decrease the probability of injuries?

15.  What kind of psychic and moral traumas can appear when training?

16.  Who is to be blamed for these traumas?

17.  In what cases can it happen?

18.  What 5 measures can you conduct in your school in order to decrease the probability of psychic and moral traumas?

19.  What forms of insuring can you use for your students in addition?

20.  If you were your student what would you ask to do in order to increase the safety of trainings?



Successful Management of the Martial Arts School


1.     What is management?

2.     How does the management of the Martial Arts school take after the management of the majority of organizations?

3.     In what way does the management of the Martial Arts school differ from the management of the majority of the organizations?

4.     What are the main 5 characteristics or signs of the successful Martial Arts school management?

5.     What are the main 5 signs in which the management of your school differs from the management of more successful Martial Arts schools?

6.     Which of these characteristics can you include in the management of your school?

7.     What should you do for this purpose in a year, in half a year, in a month, in a weeks time, tomorrow?

8.     What could be 5 measures in the improvement of your school’s structure?

9.     What could be 5 measures in the improvement of your school’s teaching process?

10.  What could be 5 measures in the improvement of the use of the staff of your school?

11.  What could be 5 measures in the improvement of the advertising of your school?

12.  What could be 5 measures in the improvement of the students’ fees?

13.  What could be 5 measures in the improvement of the back link the students of your school?

14.  What could be 5 measures in the improvement of the use of the former students of your school?

15.  What could be 5 measures in the improvement of the expenses of your school?

16.  What could be 5 measures in the improvement of the staff encouraging in your school?

17.  What are 5 psychic (internal) characteristics of a successful manager of a Martial Arts school?

18.  What are 5 external characteristics of a successful manager of a Martial Arts school?

19.  Where can you improve your knowledge as a manager?

20.  What question concerning management improvement in your Martial Arts school would you place here?



Martial Arts Training for Children


1.     Why do parents bring their children to your school?

2.     What are physiological and physical aims of teaching children in Martial Arts?

3.     What are the psychological and pedagogical aims of Martial Arts training for children?

4.     What are the anatomic and physiological differences between children and adults?

5.     What are the psychological differences between children and adults?

6.     What are the periods of the psychics’ development of the children?

7.     What kinds and forms of Martial Arts can be taught to children?

8.     What kinds and forms of Martial Arts cannot be taught to children?

9.     What could be 5 incentives for a child to start training in Martial Arts?

10.  What could be 5 reasons of distress in Martial Arts training for a child?

11.  How can the reasons of distress be neutralized?

12.  What are 5 reasons for not bringing the child to the Martial Arts school?

13.  How can these reasons be neutralized?

14.  What are 5 differences in conducting the training for children and the training for adults?

15.  Which 5 games can be used in the training of children?

16.  Which 5 methods of praise can be used during the training of children?

17.  Which methods of children training can be qualified as having sexual character by their parents?

18.  By which alternative methods of children training can they be replaced?

19.  What kind of school and instructor would you choose for your child?

20.  Are you alike such instructor?



Martial Arts Training and COVID-19


(Please before answering carefully read and study all governmental and official documents of your country on COVID-19. The legislation and the counter-COVID-19 measures can differ in different countries. You should answer the questions according your country’s legislation and counter-COVID-19 politics!)


1.     What are vector-borne diseases?

2.     What are epidemics?

3.     What is COVID-19 and what is the cause of COVID-19?

4.     How is COVID-19 spread?

5.     What groups (professional, age, etc.) of people are most susceptible to infection with COVID-19?

6.     What are the symptoms of COVID-19 disease?

7.     What should you do if you suspect a COVID-19 disease?

8.     What restrictive measures have your government put in place to fight COVID-19?

9.     What official documents (name these documents and provide links to them on the Internet) describe these measures?

10.  How have these restrictions affected the Martial Arts in your country (what has changed)?

11.  How have these restrictions affected the teaching of Martial Arts in your school (what has changed)?

12.  How and in what Martial Arts and techniques can and cannot be conducted remotely in an individual training, using Zoom or Skype?

13.  How and in what Martial Arts and techniques can and cannot be group training remotely using Zoom or Skype? Write a plan for such a workout.

14.  How and in what Martial Arts and techniques can and cannot be conducted remotely as a seminar using Zoom or Skype? Describe such a seminar and how to evaluate its impact.

15.  How and in what Martial Arts and techniques can and cannot be held remotely in a competition using Zoom or Skype? Describe such a competition and its prizes.

16.  Why is COVID-19 vaccination so important for teaching and training in Martial Arts?

17.  How can you keep in touch with your students during the period of restricted training sessions (using Facebook, Zoom, Skype, etc.)?

18.  How can you stimulate independent Martial Arts training of your students during the period of limited attendance of training (Facebook, Zoom, Skype, etc.)?

19.  What is the role of a Martial Arts instructor in responding to the COVID-19 epidemic?

20.  What have you already done and what else should you do as a Martial Arts instructor to respond to the COVID-19 epidemic?



PDF E-Certificate


The PDF E-Certificate confirms your qualification in these fields as the Instructor under the authority of the ICMAUA.


ICMAUA PDF E-Certificates are full-colored, of A4 format, of high quality and design, in a PDF format. Every E-Certificate has its registration number. E-Certificate includes your name, course name. The authenticity of each Certificate is confirmed by the gold Seal of the ICMAUA, verification QR code, and the signature of the Doctor of Pedagogy, Doctor of Biology, and the International Coordinator of the ICMAUA.



If you want to get the PDF E-Certificate about the completion of the course then after the successful carrying-out of the course send, please, by e-mail:


1. Your NAME.

2. Course’s NAME

3. Your MAILING ADDRESS (confidential).

4. Your E-MAIL ADDRESS (confidential).


And send the payment USD15 for the PDF E-Certificate



Your PDF E-Certificates will be produced the same day, that we receive your e-mail and payment.





Training Courses E-Certificate (A4, PDF only)

From the International Combat Martial Arts Instructors Training Courses ICMAUA



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