
International Combat Martial Arts Encyclopedia

Styles and Systems in International Combat Martial Arts


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Yudh Kala
Translation: Yudh = War or Fight, Kala = Art (Art of War)
Country: India
Founder: Grand Mistress Syeda Amtul Mateen Asiya
Year of creation: 2007
Style motto: Crude form of self - Defence
Background of system: Hosinshu, Ninjutsu, Wing Quan & Shanzoe.
Description: Yudh Kala is modern Indian martial arts system consisting of five phases of training (Street Fight, Target orientation, Grappling, Close Quarter Combat & Weaponry). It includes 10 weapons i.e., Yawara (Kobaton), Nunchaku, Short Sticks, Long Stick (Bo Staff), Long Cloth, Knife, Sai, Kama & Katana. Yudh Kala is purely an art of combat & the practitioner do not take part in any sport events.

Yuuki Defensive Concepts

Translation: “Yuuki” is one of the seven virtues of Bushido that means “courage.” It is the guiding principle of our approach to violence and conflict. Yuuki means brave, courageous energy.

Country: USA

Founder: Brandon Torrellas

Year of Creation: 2012

Logo Meaning: The Yuuki logo is comprised of 3 parts, signifying the relationship between mind, body, and spirit. Its colors are Red, White, and Black. Red, the color of blood, signifies the heightened awareness necessary to successfully emerge from violent conflict, and is a respectful reminder of the consequences of violence. White, found in the center, signifies the Yuuki practitioner’s purity of intention in using the martial arts. Black represents the lethal reality of combative techniques properly employed, and is located on top of the other colors as to show that only with a foundation of pure intention and heightened awareness can one truly embody Yuuki. The red mitsudomoe is the background of the Yuuki logo, and is associated with Hachiman, the Shinto god of war, and later with the samurai. It pays homage to the Ryu-Kyu origins of many Yuuki techniques, and represents the body, for which martial training is the foundation of defense. The black bamboo is the symbol of the Vietnamese people and represents adaptability and gentle strength. It is also a sign of respect to the founder’s master, who was Vietnamese. The flexible yet strong bamboo is an analogy for the mind of the Yuuki student, which must move freely with the currents of circumstance, while remaining strong and firmly rooted. The black kanji for “Yuuki” comprises the final part of the logo, and represents spirit. Just as Master Funakoshi said, “Spirit first, technique second,” so too must the Yuuki student remember that through the embodiment of samurai courage, proper techniques will present themselves in the heat of the moment. It is the combination of these factors, and the concepts that they represent that is the foundation for the Yuuki approach to violence and conflict.

Style Motto: “Courage to Defend, Skills to Prevail.”

Goals: The goal of Yuuki is to instill the mindset needed to survive dangerous encounters, along with the skills needed to emerge unharmed. Yuuki firmly believes that the individual is his own best teacher. Combative training is a mirror, and only through real dedication to the deeper ideal of Yuuki, can a student achieve real proficiency, and the peace that comes from knowing oneself intimately.

Background of System: Yuuki is a system that focuses on combative applications of traditional Shotokan, Aiki-jutsu, Jujutsu, and Wing Chun through careful examination of the concepts presented in kata, and in traditional practice. It is primarily Japanese in its foundations, but also incorporates Filipino close range weapon concepts, along with vital point striking taken from Chinese traditional medicine. However, Yuuki is open to all valid interpretations defensive concepts, regardless of origin.

Description: A straightforward system of combative movement that employs strikes, joint locking, throws, vital point striking, and weapons for street self-defense. Yuuki students develop the proper mentality to deal with, and survive, violent conflict.

Website: www.yuukidefense.com



Name of style

Translation: if need

Country: xxx

Founder: xxx

Year of creation: xxx

Logo meaning: xxx

Style motto: “xxx”

Goals: xxx

Background of system: xxx

Description: xxx.

Website: xxx