
International Combat Martial Arts Encyclopedia

Styles and Systems in International Combat Martial Arts


- W -


WANIKAN GAlligator



Combat Karate for military purposes






Country: Italy

FounderSoke Marco BANDIOLI 

5th Dan Karate (Rhee-Ha: Shorei-Ryu Gojukan / Toyama-Ha: Shudokan) and Kobudo specialist;

1st Dan Judo;

(WBBB Karate International Master, awarded as 5°Dan and bestowed as Renshi).

Crest (temporary): Alligator Head (the Alligator is the internationally recognized as a symbol for Amphibious Forces).

Meaning: Wani=Alligator, Wanikan Ryu= the style/school of the alligator.

Year of creation: 2003.

Ancestors: Shotokan-Ryu, Goju-Ryu, Judo,Kyokushinkai, Enshin-Karate Sabaki method and Mixed Martial Arts.

The Style: the style has its deep roots in Japanese tradition (Shotokan, Goju-Ryu, Judo). This tradition, of course, has been carried on in the style…. but absorbing and adapting forms and techniques from other martial arts influences (Karate Kyokushinkai, Enshin-Karate, Mixed Martial Arts) to focus the style itself on military applications.

Objectives: The style finds its origin in the “Senjo Karate” concept (“Karate for the battlefield” concept) and it is specifically fitted for Sailors, Amphibious troops and Special Forces involved in those military operations (Boarding Operations, Maritime Security Operations, Antipiracy Operations) in which the fighting could take place in tactical different situations and in confined areas or cramped places ….demanding, for that reason, special “close quarter battle” skills. In that perspective, a little group of Navy Officers and Army Warrant Officers, coming from different martial arts training and experiences, created, by their own, a compact-compendium of techniques in order to develop an “oriented” karate style (quite a “Karate system“) specially tailored for aboard force protection tasks and amphibious missions: the “Wanikan Ryu”, precisely. Because of a continue and constant training cannot be practicable by a military unit engaged in operational activity (with very limited time available to devolve all those activities not specifically related to the assigned mission) a great importance is given to initial tough training in order to guarantee to the fighter a high level of efficiency over time and permanent lethality, with a mimimum of “maintenance activities”.

Techniques: techniques performed provide a wide spectrum of different combat situations and different operating environments: long range and short range fighting, close quarter combat, “percuotaneus techniques” (to strike and break down), “flaming techniques” (to ground, block, immobilize, fracture, strangle), techniques to be performed wearing different equipment and assets, in low visibility, under rain or with uneven terrain, in confined spaces and against armed enemies.





Watashi No Ryū Karate Do


Watashi No Ryū Karate-do is a highly effective system of self defense, a proven method of attaining peak physical conditioning, and a martial art form which can enhance  and enrich one's Way of Life.


The Watashi No Ryū Karate Do logo is a vibrant tree growing within a circle. The branches are sheltering the Hidari Gomon, an ancient  symbol of traditional Okinawan Karate. The logo embodies the Watashi No Ryū motto "Rooted in Tradition, Growing Toward Self Realization & Expression".

Based on Isshin Ryu Karate, Uechi Ryu Karate, Aikijutsu, Kobudo, and various other fighting methods, beginners will learn all the basic techniques ​​that will ultimately become their own unique expression of the art.


In English, Watashi No Ryū Karate-do means "My Way of the Empty Hand". Since everyone's body and personality is unique, everyone truly has his or her own style. It is helpful to have a solid grasp of basic techniques as a beginner. This is similar to learning the ABCs.

​​Fundamental instruction in various strikes, blocks, and kicks are taught through the practice of Kata, prearranged and choreographed movements. Once these are established, we grow towards our own freedom of expression. ​​This is a life long journey. We are all students of The Way.

​​In the time honored tradition of many karate styles the student learns quickly through the practice of kata, detailed choreographed patterns of movement. The first kata taught is Sanchin. Meaning "Three Battles", Sanchin symbolizes our struggle to control our Body, Mind, and Spirit in the practice of our karate. Sanchin is the foundation of Watashi No Ryū.


Following the ancient ways of original Okinawan Karate, a very simple ranking system is observed in Watashi No Ryū. There are only two colors of belts; White which denotes a beginner, and black which denotes a person who has learned the basics and is now considered a serious student. A 1st degree black belt is awarded only to those who have spent 10 years in training. A 2nd degree for 20 years, a 3rd degree for 30 years, and so on.  However, in Watashi No Ryū, humility is a key virtue. It's good to remember that even a black belt can learn from a beginner. 


As we learn the stances, strikes, blocks, and kicks we also learn a philosophy and moral code. In today's world of political uncertainty, street crime, and fears of terrorism, it is too easy to focus entirely on physical techniques, self-defense applications, and the physical performance of karate. Watashi No Ryū reminds us of the true nature of karate: it is a Way of life.





Wolfpac Kenpei Combat Ju-Jitsu

Country: USA

Founder: Dustin Wilkins Founder / Head Instructor

Year of founding: 2009

Goals: to promote Combat Ju-Jitsu

Styles: BJJ / Combat Ju-Jitsu / Muay Thai

Website: www.wolfpac.co.nr   



Wu Shi Dao - Street Defence

Translation:   wu-shi-dao is cantonese for the japanese word bu-shi-do

Country: United Kingdom

Founder: Master Mark Beardsell

Year of creation: 2015

Style motto: “Use your smarts… Win the fight!”

Goals: To Provide a non classical style that fits with the 21st century way of staying alive on the street.

Background of system: Its foundation is Wing Chun, with elelmens from other styles like, Boxing, Jeet Kune Do, Karate, Aikido

Description: Simply put, its a culmination of 37 years of real street fighting and martial arts training, using tools that have been street tested, no fancy moves, just real tools that work… The system as elements from Wing Chun, Original JKD, Muay Thai, Aikdo, Karate, Chinese Boxing, Judo and some Ninjutsu, In keeping with simplicity and directness the system allows to take your opponent out straight on, we don’t use fancy kicks or fancy hand movements to distract the opponent we go in and finish the job as fast and effectively as possible with a barrage of attacks stemming from provocation. We are certified by British Martial Arts and Boxing Association.

Website:   http://www.wushidao.com



Name of style

Translation: if need

Country: xxx

Founder: xxx

Year of creation: xxx

Logo meaning: xxx

Style motto: “xxx”

Goals: xxx

Background of system: xxx

Description: xxx.

Website: xxx