
International Combat Martial Arts Encyclopedia

Styles and Systems in International Combat Martial Arts


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Agile Defense System  敏捷防御系

Country: Poland   

Founder: Master Boguslaw Bujak, PhD

Year of creation: 2009

Style motto: Live in harmony with nature

Goals: To achieve the highest possible internal balance, but also, if necessary, to achieve optimal combat performance

Background of system: In the initial period of learning, you will learn some elements of Taijiquan and Wushu enriched with Qigong methods. After reaching advanced level, you will start the path in which you will learn the techniques of using the Stick (such as Bo or Jo), the Chinese Sword or the Japanese Sword (Katana).

Website: www.neijia.eu




ACCS: Advanced Commando Combat System

Translation: is a Military Close Quarter warfare martial art.

Country: India

Founder: Prof. Dr. Deepak Rao

Year of creation: 1995

Logo meaning: Precision (knife) Speed (lightning) Agility (cat).

Style motto: “One Enemy. One Chance. One Strike. One Kill!”

Goals: Close Combat situations like Counter Terror Operations & Special Commando Operations.

Background of system: The ACCS is based upon 3 war doctrines Sun Tzus art of War, Bruce Lees Jeet Kune Do Ideology & Soldiers CQB Tactics

Description: Advanced Commando Combat System is one of the ten Military Martial Arts in the World, developed by Prof. Dr. Rao & Dr. Seema Rao (UCCA Directors) intended for use by Indian forces in Special Operations. It is taught by UCCA, only to Government Forces. Unarmed Self Defense (non military) aspects are also taught to a few select civilians from the security sector. ACCS is derived from their research & study of training over 15,000 soldiers from the Indian forces.

Website: www.commandocombat.com


Aiki GojuDo QuanFa

Aiki GojuDo Quan Fa

Translation: The Hard and Soft Way of Harmony

Country: United States

Founder: Zachory Cook

Year of creation: 2015

Logo meaning: Bonsai (Purity, Life, Strength and Individuality). Kanji Above (Kenpo). Kanji Below (Karate). Kanji Left (Goju). Kanji Right (Aikido). Yin and Yang Below (Balance).

Style motto: “Balance to Stand True”

Goals: To instill honor, respect, service and protection through the expression of one’s self.

Background of system: Goju Ryu Karate, Aikido, and Quan Fa

Description: Aiki Goju Do is an integrative martial art. The movements include linear and circular. AikiGojuDo Quan Fa incorporates the strong movement and striking methods of Goju Ryu Karate, the passive movement and grappling methods of Aikido, and the application methods of Quan Fa. Philosophical teachings are deeply rooted in developing character and self esteem through service.



Alex's All Styles Martial Arts

Translation: Martial Principal Under Pin Point Accuracy

Country: Zambia

Founder: Master Alexander (Chileshe)

Year of creation: 2002

Style motto: Speed, Agility And Accuracy

Goals: Is to teach the World the Power of Martial Principal

Background of system: Taekwondo, Full Contact Karate, Body Kombat, Tai Chi Chuan, Pat Mei Kung Fu and Okinawan Weaponry

Description: Alex's All Styles Martial Arts or AAS Martial Arts operating as Sensei's Dojo Martial Arts Academy is an aggressive martial arts system with total discombobulating of the enemy. It uses a tactical self defence which a blended system of the best techniques, concepts, and principles from Taekwondo, Full Contact Karate, Body Kombat, Tai Chi Chuan, Pat Mei Kung Fu, Boxing and Okinawan Weaponry. The art also prides in body and mental fitness

Website: https://m.facebook.com/ancient.taekwondo

Email: myancientaekwondo@gmail.com 



AMAROK (Alpağutnung Mengü Az Rak Oğuz Köreşi)

Translation: The ever rare martial arts of the Alpağut warrior

Country: Turkistan

Founder: Grandmaster Hakan Haslaman

Year of creation: 1995

Logo meaning: Is the line of the Old Turk Ashina Clan from the founder of AMAROK until to the first ancestor’s of the Xioung-nú

Style motto: Never look into the eyes of a wolf, for you see the eyes of the winner and the death of him reflected in his eyes (from Grandmaster Hakan Haslaman).

Goals: The founder and 1st. Khan of AMAROK Grandmaster Hakan Haslaman had designed this martial art by himself. Many of his statements are based on many sources, but it has never been claimed, that with AMAROK a forgotten or extinct martial art of the Old Turks has been recovered or replaced. The founder decided to create with all his knowledge and his research a new combat system which could have looked at the Old Turks. He says with a clear conscience, that he gave free rein to his artistic freedom to devote his ancestor’s one worthy of their honorable martial arts.

Background of system: AMAROK is a newly developed martial art that is based on the cultural roots of ancient Turkic history, traditions and the teachings of Teñgriism. The term AMAROK in itself, has no historical connection to a combat or war art of the Old Turks. AMAROK is a collection of pre-Islamic history of the Old Turks, parts that relate to content on the lifestyle of the former single chosen warriors "Alpağut". In 1995 after years of research about the lifestyle of "Alpağut" the AMAROK founder Grandmaster Hakan Haslaman introduced Alpağut as a modern martial art, under the name AMAROK, to bring it back to life. In the same year Prof. Dr. Bernd Höhle of the International Martial Arts Association tested for the global martial arts policies and recognized AMAROK as the first Turkish martial art. The cultural and traditional aspects of AMAROK go back through prehistory of the Xiong-nú 300 BC. Whilst he was a shaman the founder had got his inspiration from the martial arts teaching of Teñgriism and Totemism. The doctrine of Teñgriism and Totemism in AMAROK is used as a natural science to learn the intangible goals easier with practical methods. The founder still emphasized that even the association of other religions is not a hindrance to learning AMAROK. The culture and tradition find their place at the labels that regarded as signs of philosophy and make clear as AMAROK has arisen from the ancient Turkic nomadic life.

Description: AMAROK contains no defense techniques whereby the philosophy is to attack the enemy only via counter-attacks. To represent this awareness and prepare for crucial situations, it is essential to live in unity within its surroundings. In the neutral position battle "Üç Acun Duruşu" (shamanic position) the warrior AMAROK prevails over the situation in which it resides. This condition is exactly the advantage that one uses in the fight with great superiority and so becomes an Alpağut Warrior. AMAROK involves primarily a basic lesson that the students AMAROK are taught first. This basic lesson is also found in other martial arts styles, but AMAROK has its own special features. In addition to the basic teachings the students are also taught the eight AMAROK combat disciplines including three unarmed and five with various weapons. AMAROK leads the training specifically for the real fight, so the student can cope under any circumstance in order to survive. The technical-battle properties of AMAROK are divided into several areas that are somewhat different from other martial arts styles. These areas are not only technical in nature, but enhance the teaching of Teñgriism. The doctrine of Teñgriism, connected with Totemism, has the function to effect inside the student “İn-Urug Tutumu" (predator fighting characteristics). This doctrine is called "Teñgri Oğuz Köreşi" whereon AMAROK is developed from the ground up. This is the way of Alpağut, who with the art of intangible fighting in the three world connections can live out the fighting qualities of his predator Totem in his earthly body. To avoid misunderstandings in advance with the lesson "İn-Urug" there is no animal fighting techniques, such as in Kung-Fu or similar like this. It refers to the predator fighting characteristics that relate in AMAROK explicitly to the typical fighting characteristics of a predator. To be able to unlock the features İn-Urug, students must acquire the four basic rules. The initiation test to shaman is also assumed to master this rules. The goal of all is getting the warlike fighting attitude to gain awareness, every moment to be confronted with death. Everything you have learned up to this point is located only on instinct. The mind and the thoughts are empty, connected with the idea to "win" only. In this situation, the reins of the inner predator totems are let loose on the enemy.

Website: www.amarok.net

Text: Erkin Tashqin www.martial-art.org


American Combative Martial Arts
Country: United States
Founder: Phillip Martin
Year: 2008
Motto: If you have to fight, you've lost already
Goals: To promote self defense and train military and law enforcement
Background: Founded on the basis of Hapkido, utilizing elements of Escrima, Kali, BJJ, & Muay Thai
Description: A combat oriented system of fighting that uses elements of numerous martial arts, in order to create a more complete system.
Website: www.acma.9f.com



American Hiep Tin Mon Karate System

Translation:  American Hiep Tinh Mon Karate System is a combination of the strategic fighting techniques of many different styles of martial arts into Master Dwayne Eaddy’s unique system.

Country: United States

Founder: Master Dwayne Eaddy

Year: 2009

Logo meaning: The upper half of the outer circle is the name of the martial arts institution and the lower half of the outer circle is the name of the style.  The outer circle represents the martial artist’s first journey in the martial arts with your style, the institution and one’s self. The inner circle represents all the knowledge one can obtain thru martial arts training. Yang and Yin represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work. The outer circle represents "everything", while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies, called "yin" (Red) and "yang" (Yellow), which cause everything to happen. They are not completely Red or Yellow, just as things in life are not completely Red or Yellow, and they cannot exist without each other.

While "yin" would be dark, passive, downward, cold, contracting, and weak, "yang" would be bright, active, upward, hot, expanding, and strong. The shape of the yin and yang sections of the symbol, actually gives you a sense of the continual movement of these two energies, yin to yang and yang to yin, causing everything to happen: just as things expand and contract, and temperature changes from hot to cold. The triangle symbolizes the strength of our foundation. The colors red and yellow offer homage to the country of origin of the founder of Hiep Tinh Mon World Martial Art and the addition of the color blue symbolizes the country of origin for the founder of American Hiep Tinh Mon Karate.  Finally, the color gray represents brotherhood and the American Hiep Tinh Mon Karate System as a family system.  Through God, family and martial arts, one can learn the true meaning of Budo. 

Goals: Our goal is to unite into one system the best fighting techniques of different styles of martial arts. American Hiep Tinh Mon Karate brings together traditional martial arts with modern training methods into an effective self defense system. American Hiep Tinh Mon practitioners practice both vertical and lateral (ground) fighting as part of the normal training curriculum

System Background: Karate, Tang Soo Do, Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing, Boxing, Aikido, Kung Fu 

Description:  AMERICAN HIEP TINH MON KARATE SYSTEM (AHTMKS). The system uses all the techniques and philosophies of Hiep Tinh Mon World Martial Arts Karate; however, it is arranged in Master Eaddy’s unique system.  American Hiep Tinh Mon Karate is but a toolbox that falser a traditional Tang Soo do approach to Grandmaster Dung’s system but with more emphasis on core traditional training methods. This system is but Master Eaddy’s toolbox of techniques which he has collected of the years and formed into the family system of American Hiep Tinh Mon Karate (AHTMKS). The AHTMKS student is strong in the basic techniques of all ranges of self defense and is able to defend onself in any situation.  To make the system a more comprehensive and effective system Master Eaddy adapted techniques from HTM World Martial Arts, Tang Soo Do, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Hapkido, Jui Jitsu, and Judo to form the basis and foundation of AMHTMKS.  The system boasts some 36 empty-hand and weapon forms, and over 100 Self Defense techniques, with basic maneuvers that include 16 blocks,18 punches, 28 kicks, 3 rolls falls, 47 throws, 16 arm and leg locks, and 7 holds and chokes.  American Hiep Tinh Mon Karate borrows many of its concepts and theories from Tang Soo Do.

Webpage: www.americanhieptinhmonkarate.com 



American Jukenjutsu
Translation: American Bayonet Fencing
Country: United States of America
Founder: Walter G. Green III
Year of creation: 2009
Style motto: Cold Steel
Goals: To promote the study of the bayonet mounted on the rifle as a combat and fencing weapon.
Background of system: The bayonet is a unique martial arts weapon that links European and Asian combat methods.  Originating in Europe in the 1600s as a means of close combat for the single shot musket, it reached its zenith in technical complexity in the period prior to World War I.  Bayonet fencing as a military sport originated in Europe in the late 1800s and continued as late as the 1940s.  Today the sporting use continues in Japan as jukendo.  Although a supporting weapon, the system of rifle with bayonet remains a capable battlefield weapon.
Description: American Jukenjutsu conducts the study of a variety of bayonet systems from the 1800s forward to today, with a ranking system structured on the performance of bayonet techniques in a logical progression for the system studied.  Practitioners earn rankings in a single system, with promotion to higher ranks based on mastery of more than one system of bayonet fighting.
Website: http://www.americanjukenjutsu.org/


Arnis De Malaya

Country: United States

Founder: Guro David Belanger

Year of Creation: 2012

Logo Meaning: Four inter-connected circles which represent the 4 spheres of influence: empty hand strikes, grappling, weapons, history and culture.

Style motto: Simplicity in training.

Goals: Encourage diversification in training to build well-rounded and capable martial artists.

Background of system: Modern Arnis, American Kenpo, Dog Brothers, Ju Jitsu

Description: Arnis De Malaya is the culmination of over 25 years of martial arts training and associated research. The ultimate goal was to develop a system that focuses on the simple execution of literal techniques and the development of abstract drills to improve speed and fluidity in movement. Students will be taught the difference between the abstract and the literal, the purposes of each and how the abstract is translated into useful skills or practices. This system is first and foremost designed to be a fighting art, for self-defense, with the intelligent application of sufficient force as needed to meet the situation as presented. It is not for sport, points, weight loss, strength training or ranking. It is a practical system of fighting. The founder has endeavored to eliminate impractical or unnecessarily complex drills and skill requirements as core material.

Website: N/A



Auric Palm Chi Do

Translation: "The way of Auric Palm Energy Manipulation"

Country: USA

Founder: Founder/Grandmaster Dr. Gregory M Kremer Phd

Year of creation: 2015

Style motto: “Strive to master one's self & help others”

Goals: To teach how to develop and implement the use of one's chi in a positive and functional capacity. Medical Qigong, Acupressure, and Reiki for healing; Martial Qigong, Goshin Jutsu, Aikijutsu, Taekwondo, & Escape Artistry for self defense/protection.

Background of system: Qigong (medical & martial), Acupressure, Reiki, Goshin Jutsu, Aikijutsu, Taekwondo, Escape Artistry

Description: Auric Palm Chi Do is an internal martial arts and self defense system combining the healing arts of Acupressure points, Reiki, medical qigong, and martial qigong with simple effective techniques from Goshin Jutsu, Aikijutsu, Taekwondo, and escape artistry techniques. This is a complete system of self defense/evasion & escape with minimal techniques for the student to remember, teaching hand techniques, kicks, escapes, throws, pressure point striking, joint locks, grappling, blocking maneuvers for one or more attackers, evasion of and escape from negative situations or abduction attempts, how to deal with awareness of your surroundings, anticipation of attacker intent, and maintaining self control.



Name of style

Translation: if need

Country: xxx

Founder: xxx

Year of creation: xxx

Logo meaning: xxx

Style motto: “xxx”

Goals: xxx

Background of system: xxx

Description: xxx.

Website: xxx