
International Combat Martial Arts Encyclopedia

Organizations and Schools in International Combat Martial Arts


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World Association of Martial Arts

Country: Iran

Founder: Farshid Heydari

Website: www.wuma.webs.com


World Bredan Fou Martial Arts Federation

Translation: World Fighting way of Black Panther Federation

Country: Pakistan

Founder: Grand Master Rizwan Hussain.

Year of founding: Jan 2006.

Logo meaning: -

Organization motto: -

Goals: The motive of World Bredan Fou Martial Arts Federation (WBMF) is to promote new Martial Arts Breden Fou and purpose of this Federation is to provide a platform to the masters of the world of all martial arts styles to interchange their views and the problems they face to promote any martial arts style.

Styles: As we appreciate all styles of Martial Arts therefore we invite every real martial artists.Karate, Kung Fu, freestyle, kickboxing, Kenpo and a host of other martial arts have been able to compete in this impartial, equitable, world renowned collective of martial arts styles and forms.

Description: World Bredan Fou Martial Arts Federation is arranged to know the techniques of every martial arts among each other, to point out the mistakes and the improvements that must be taken place. his organization will arrange world seminars and will invite the masters of all martial arts styles which will be registered with this Federation to perform their styles and to share their views.

Website: www.bredanfou.com www.wbmf.page.tl



World Combat Jukick Sport Jutsu Federation

Country: Azerbaijan

Founder: G/M Soke Sanani Agakishiyev

Year of founding: 10.10.1998

Logo meaning: free way of fighting.

Kombat is a sport that celebrates friendship at the same time.

Organization motto: Train healthy, honest athletes.

Goals: Promoting our sport federation around the world is developing to make.

Styles: combat sport, mix-combat, Jukick Jutsu, Juboxing Jutsu, Jugi Jutsu, Jurestling Jutsu, J-1 prof.

Description: Peace and friendship through combat sports around the world.

Website: www.worldcombatsport84.com 




World Federation of Tachyon Full Contact (W.T.F.F)

Country: Iran

Founder: Grandmaster Ahmad Hosseini, President

Styles: Self-defense training and bodyguard system, Cold Weapons - Kickboxing Ring Style Fighting - Lokik - Full Contact - Light Contact - Thai Kickboxing - M.M.A.

Description: Number of students covered by the federation by the end of May 7,000 throughout Iran, Turkey, Baku (Azerbaijan), Iraq, Afghanistan, Oman.


Phone: +989108887520



World International Escort Ranger Martial Arts Organization

Country: Iran

Founder: Farshid Heydari



World Juboxing Jutsu Federation

Country: Azerbaijan

Founder: G/M Soke Sanani Agakishiyev

Year of founding: 10.10.1999

Logo meaning: free way of fighting. the spirit of the warrior is important

Organization motto: Train healthy, honest athletes.

Goals: Promoting our sport federation around the world is developing. to make.

Styles: combat sport, Jukick Jutsu, Juboxing Jutsu, Jugi Jutsu, Jurestling Jutsu, J-1 prof

Description: Combat sport and the power union of the dragon.

Website: www.worldcombatsport84.com, www.juboxinqjutsu.com  

email: Worldcombatsport84@gmail.com



World Kickboxing Muay Thai Federation

Country: Iran

Founder: Mohammad Reza Faraji President

Year of founding: 2009

Organization motto: Combat community solidarity

Goals: Competitions of martial, Promote the martial art

Styles:  kickboxing, muay thai

Website:  www.wkmfederation.com



Logo Organizacji WPKO

World Polish Kenpo Organization

Country: Poland.

Founder: soke Adam Jurczakowski, President.

General Secretary: sensei Agnieszka Ciesielska.

Year of creation: 2016.

Style motto: Veni Vidi Deus Vicit.

Goals: Practicing and propagating Polish Kenpo and teaching real self-defense.           

Style: Polish Kenpo.

Website : www.polkenpo.blogspot.com


World Sport Kickboxing Federation (SKF)

Country: Iran

Founder: Grand Master Abbas Zandi, President of Organization

Year of founding: 2000

Logo meaning: The eagle in SKF is a symbol of power, freedom and authority

Organization motto: We must learn not to be a cloud if we are not a star to stop the stars from shining

Styles:  Face Contact, No Face Contact, Self Defense, Ring Fight. Sport Kickboxing (SKF) A set of 80% kickboxing 20% combination of karate techniques including self-defense techniques of various standing postures and a number of throwing and locking techniques adapted from Judo, Jujitsu and Aikido.

Goals: The World Sport Kickboxing Federation (SKF) is proud to respect and believe in all the beliefs of people in different parts of the world has been able to provide a new system of kickboxing with correct and logical rules at different levels of training and competitions beginner, intermediate, advanced and interested marshal art seekers in courses of any style can fill their technical, tactical and competition gaps.




The World Taekwondo Hapkido Combat Bodyguard Organization

Country: Islamic Republic of Iran

Founder: Kaveh Vahidirad, Senior Grand Master (SGM), 10th Dan Black Belt

Year of Creation: 2022

Logo meaning:

* Eagle symbol: The eagle is a symbol of strength, heroes, support, protection and shows the meaning of increasing courage, mastery, freedom and foresight of a bodyguard. It also has great potential and teaches us to have faith and trust in ourselves and  Choose the right path.

* Fist, inside yin and yang: Yin and Yang are completely interdependent and neither can exist without the other.  Light has no meaning without darkness. and, Fist, the fist represents self defense martial aspect. This is understood as the self-discipline, effort and perseverance necessary to the training and to the courage, self-confidence, and preparedness for self-defense it brings.

* Star, 5 golden stars: The stars are a symbol of the level, rank and degree of bodyguard and security, which consists of Elementary D level, intermediate C level, advanced B level, top advanced A level and top advanced professional level. The big star is a symbol of mastery and the highest level of bodyguard and security and is considered important.

* Circle around the logo: It is a symbol of unity and stability.  The elegance and power of the logo, which is unique and makes it last.

Style Motto: Protecting lives, preserving peace

Goals & description: The style role is to protect its clients from assault, kidnap, stalking, and other forms of threats and Protecting VIPs from overzealous fans. Searching buildings and residence for threats.

Styles: * The World Real Combat Taekwondo Self Defense Federation; * The World Taekwondo Hapkido Combat Bodyguard Organization; * The World Taekwondo Hapkido Ranger Commando Organization; * The World Taekwondo Hapkido Self Defense Protection Ranger Martial Arts Federation

