International Combat Martial Arts Encyclopedia

Who is Who in the International Combat Martial Arts


- G -


Jeremy Galvez

President/Founder, International Ninjutsu Federation

Founder, Silent Shadow Martial Arts

Founder, Shintosuru An'ei Ninjutsu

Jeremy Galvez has studied martial arts from the time he was 3 years old, starting out in Shotokan Karate-do, Taekwondo, and Ninjutsu.  He attained knowledge like a sponge and set out early to find his own way, while never leaving his instructor.  In 1996, he felt he had enough information to begin a process of study that would lead him to founding his own style. This process took him all over the country, and ultimately all over the world.  Feeling the need to learn military combatives and tactics he joined the Army as an Infantryman, eventually changing his job to Unit Supply Specialist.  He has been in the Army for 5 years now. Recently he has had his style of Ninjutsu, Shintosuru An'ei recognized and certified internationally.  He has also recently started an organization dedicated to the preservation of modern Ninjutsu, that's main goal is to unify ALL practitioners of Ninjutsu under one governing body.


International Ninjutsu Federation, President

International Combat Association

Jihi no Kokoro Bugei Fellowship

International Warrior Foundation

International Combat Martial Art Soke Union

International Combat Martial Art Masters Union

International Combat Ninjutsu Union

International Combat Aikido Union

International Combat Japanese Martial Art Union

United States Martial Artist Association

International Sungja-do Association



Del Garrett

Grand Master Del Garrett, Soke, is the founder of Kenjukido Kenpo-Jujitsu. He began his martial arts training with U.S. Army advanced hand-to-hand combat, which he learned from his brother, an instructor with the 82nd Airborne Division. GM Garrett entered the U.S. Army in 1963 and lived for a year in Chigyong-ni, South Korea, studying Yudo. He also spent four years in Okinawa, Japan, studying Kenpo Karate and traditional weapons. He trained in U.S. Air Force military police auxiliary duties for security and riot control and worked as advisor on counter-terrorism. As a martial arts instructor, he specialized in self-defense and trained military police in control techniques and provided single and team concepts of capture and control for soldiers being assigned to the war in Iraq. Kenjukido Kenpo-Jujitsu is an outgrowth of his unified training style, and is recognized by many Kenpo and Jujitsu practitioners for its simplicity, speed, and street applications.   As such, he was inducted into the Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame in 2003 and named Instructor of the Year, and again in 2005 and named Master of the Year. As Kocho Sensei of the National Kenjukido Federation, he oversees eight black belt instructors of various ranks studying under him in four schools. He is licensed to carry concealed weapons and has had training in pistol, knife, stick and combat cane techniques.


Highest Systems Rankings:

6th Dan Kenpo-Jujitsu (AFOJJ), August 2003

4th Dan Combat Jujitsu (ACAF), July 2000

3rd Dan Kenpo (UKKA), October 1998

2nd Dan Combat Hapkido (ICHF), April 1998

3rd Dan Jujitsu (IFOJJ), October 1997


Colored Belt Rankings:

Blue Belt in Prof. Remy Presas’ Modern Arnis

Blue Belt in Tang Soo Do (Chuck Norris System)

-         Currently studying forms/techniques



Robert J. Gelinas

Hanshi Robert J. Gelinas began training in the Martial Arts in 1973. He began his studies in Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do Karate in Watertown Connecticut.
In 1976 he began training under Sensei Joselito Torress in the arts of Tae Kwon Do & Judo and earned his Black Belt in these arts in 1979.

In 1979 Hanshi met and began training with Master Marcell Beulieu at the Waterbury Boys club in the art of Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do and began his tournament competing journey often earning himself trophys in Forms & Fighting. Hanshi was well known for his Kicking Skills and was often asked in class by Master Beulieu to place both of his hands inside his Belt as to give him a Handicap when Sparring, even against two or three opponents it was almost impossible for them to get in on him because his kicks were so fast and

Hanshi met Sifu Welton Sanders in 1982 and began training in Tiger Claw Kung-Fu & Drunken Style Boxing and found himself training from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at least 3 days a week. Hanshi remained with Sifu Sanders for 7 years and became his highest ranking student and assistant instructor at the White Dragon School of Karate in Downtown Waterbury Connecticut.

Hanshi was introduced to and began training under Sifu Robert A. Nardona at the House of the White Dragon (located in the gym of the local Salvation Army) in the art of Pai LumTao Kung-Fu and continued his studies with Sifu Nardona until Sifu sustained a bad knee injury and had to stop  teaching. While working as a Silk Screen Printer Hanshi was introduced to the man that would become his Instructor and Mentor. Grandmaster Eric Breuer, a State Trooper and Chuck Norris' Highest ranked Black Belt in New England.

Hanshi resumed his training in Tang Soo Do under GM Breuer and started his training in the arts of Uchu No Michi Ryu Jujutsu,Chun Kuk Do (Chuck Norris' U.F.A.F System), Kenpo,Kun Tao & Judo.


In the year 2001 Hanshi was awarded the Rank of 5th Degree Black Belt and given the title of Inheritor of the American Karate System of Tang Soo Do by GM Eric Breuer.


On August 27, 2006 Hanshi Gelinas was promoted to the rank of 7th Degree Black Belt in the art of American Karate System / Tang Soo Do and 8th Degree Black Belt in the art of Kajukido Kempo Ryu by a group of Masters in attendance at the first official meeting of the Korean Karate Masters Association.


Hanshi has had the pleasure of training under the following group of Black Belts,Masters & Grandmasters in their respective systems during his 30 years in the Martial arts.


Grandmaster Joe Rossi Rossi Kun Tao Systems (We incorporate some of what was passed on to us directly from Grandmaster Joe Rossi during the times he came to visit the studio and demonstrated his System. I make no claims of being a certified nstructor/Black Belt in his respective art)

Grandmaster Walter Belsito Sr. Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do
Grandmaster Robert A. Cheezic Cheezic Tang Soo Do
Master Dennis Spruill Go Ju Ryu, Shotokan, Kempo Karate
Master Donald Belsito Sr. Su Bahk Ryu Ninjutsu/Tai Jutsu, Tang Soo Do
Master Paul Zaneiwski American Kenpo Karate, Kali, Knife Fighting
Master Raphael Velez Kun Tao, Tang Soo Do
Master David Teleska Seidokan Aikido

Hanshi's current rankings are as follows:
8th Degree Black Belt (Founder/Creator) KAJUKIDO KEMPO RYU
7th Degree Black Belt (Founder/Creator) G Jutsu Ryu (Not traditional Japanese AikiJujutsu but a combination of Aikido,Aikijujutsu,Hapkido & Judo)
7th Degree Black Belt (Inheritor) American Karate System of Tang Soo Do (Passed on to me by GM Eric Breuer before his retirement)
6th Degree Black Belt (Certified) Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do Karate
6th Degree Black Belt (Certified) American Freestyle JuJitsu (Rank awarded to me by GM Eric Breuer)

5th Degree Black Belt (Certified) Nagashimasu Te Aiki Jujutsu
5th Degree Black Belt (Certified) Wha Won Hapkido
4th Degree Black Belt (Certified) Nagashimasu Te Aikido
5th Degree Black Belt (Certified) American Kenpo Karate

3rd Degree Black Belt (Certified) American Goshin Do Judo / Jujutsu
1st Degree Black Belt (Certified) Soo Bahk Ryu Ninjutsu / Tai Jutsu
Hanshi Robert J. Gelinas has been involved in the Martial arts for over 3 Decades and has been inducted into 11 Black Belt Halls of Fame and is Senior Advisor to many Grandmasters Councils world wide.



Douwe Geluk

Sifu Douwe Geluk is a master of Chinese internal martial arts. He has practised Tai Chi Chuan since he was at a young age. He studied Yang, Chen, Wu, Wudang and Shaolin systems of Tai Chi.

He learned many ways of Qi Qong like "wise path qi qong" and is teaching it now in his school in the Netherlands

Douwe has a bigg school called: Tai Chi Apeldoorn "Bron van Geluk". Besides teaching classes Douwe won many prices at national and International competitions. He also became.2 times Dutch champion.

Master Douwe Geluk is also an author on 3 books about Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung and 'The 18 ways of the mind'. Besides thet he produced a kungfu dvd a home study course.

Sifu Douwe Geluk is teaching courses and seminars in Europe. Many see him as a true grandmaster.



Gholamreza Gholami

Hanshi was born in Dec/01.1957.he started martial arts in 7 years old. He is Founder and president of the International Martial Arts Association and also World Budo Organization. He learned following style: Tactical Combat Arts. Shotokan karate Do, Goju-Kempo. Takewando. Judo. Gojuryu. Kobu do. Goshindo. Jujitsu. M.A.S.T.E.R.system. Shito ryu karate Do. Toh bu ha shi toh ryu karate Do. Hanshi Ryu Karate Do/Soke, Goshin Karate/Soke, Bodoki-Ryu Ninjitsu. Free style Self-defense.


Position and rank

Holds the rank of Ju-dan,10th Degree black belt.

Ph,D in the martial arts. Ph,D in the Self-Defense Studies. Doctor of Budo..

World Budo Organization President(Iran, Germany, Norway)

Member, National Dragon Council of Martial Arts Grandmasters Council

         International black belt hall of fame member.

Iran Director for the Unified Martial Arts Association International

World Black Belt Member

World Martial Arts Organization Alliance Master s Council Member(Canada)

         World board of black belts member.

         Middle East director of martial arts for World Combat Arts Federation

International Alliance of Martial Arts School Member(England)

         Chief instructor , head master and head examiner in the middle East.

         Council of martial arts masters Technical Committee

For Budokan America Gujo-kempo

Sogo Budo Kyokai Member & Representative

International Taekwan-Do Budosport Federation Member(Germany)

Master Institute Of Self-Defense Studies Member & Representative

         Ambassador of martial arts for( Europe)

Okinawan Karate Federation Representative

United Martial Arts Alliance Representative(Greece)

World Black Belt Unian representative(Pakistan)

Cobra Martial Arts Member(UK)

Independent Martial Arts Federation Representative

World United Martial Arts Federation Representative(UK)

Martial Arts Association International Representative (Germany)

International League Of Martial Artists Member

Valadez Kenpo Association Representative

Eastern U.S.A Martial Arts Association Member

Kirisutokyo no Bushi-Kai Member

United Martial Arts Member(UK)

Eagle Federation Member

International Combat Martial Arts Unions Associations Member(Europe)

World Combat Martial Arts Association Member

World Budo Alliance Member(Canada)

Bodoki-Ryu Ninjitsu Representative

International Society Of Headfounders/Headfamiles Member and Iran Director

W.O.M.A members and Representative.

International Combat Aikido & Jujitsu Federation Member & Representative.

Combat Martial Arts Federation member & Representative(Norway)

The International Head Of families Association Member( USA)

WOMA Sokeship Member and Representative

World Head of Society Member(Japan)



Jose María García Gimeno     


-44 years old

-Master of  MUAY THAI BOXING. Instructor (Kru Yai), 13 of the FEMT KHAN (Spanish Federation Muay Thai).

- Black belt 7th Dan and Senior Instructor of Muay Thai by the Krav Maga SOCIETY.

- Black  Belt 5th Dan Kick Boxing. Instructor and Technical FKBCV, the UWAMA and FEDAM.

-Coach Boxing by F.B.C.V. (IBF Valencia- Spain).

- Black belt 1st Dan Taekwondo. Instructor for the F.E.A.M and K.M.S.

-Black  belt 1st Dan Combat Sambo by FILA (Spanish Wrestling Federation).

-Black Belt 1st Dan COMBAT SAMBO, JU jitsu , karate Full Contact and MMA by MMA International Top Team.

-Instructor Grappling. Member of the ASA (American Sambo Association).

-Instructor Self Defense. Representative in Spain of the RAF (Russian All-Round Fighting).

- Pankratista. Regional-coach of Pankration (EKPEDEFTIS ALFA), APAH

-Representative Official MMA International Top Team in Spain.

-Member Of the International Krav Maga SOCIETY (World Organisation for Krav Maga).

-Member Of the hundred best teachers in the world martial MMXV. Prize awarded by the W.I.S.D.A and U.W.A.M.A.


I first encountered martial arts back in the late 1990’s, with muay thai and karate.

Competitor at the time Muay Thai champion of the second evening of Thai boxing, held in Teruel in MCMXCII.

Aragon runner MCMXCIX Taekwondo, held in Zaragoza.

Free fighter for years and wrestling, competing in his day. Valencia champion of grecorroman in MMIII held in Sagunto. Freestyle wrestling runner-up at the same event.

Grappling practitioner for many years, with an excellent level.

Practitioner at the time of Jeet Kune Do, for several years, student of Sifu Market Felipe Aguado, students turn the legendary Dan Inosanto.

I have practiced in turn other martial arts at the time, , Kung Fu, Aikido, Judo, , Krav Maga, etc, to complete my martial training.

Lots of intensive courses and performed with renowned masters titles and champions. Numerous trophies and championships.

Teachers and students of recognized champions.



Ljubisa Golubovic

I was born on October 24, 1957. I spent my entire working life in the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia. I am a retired police officer and a police combat instructor. I have been in martial arts for over 50 years.

I am Shihan, a master of several martial arts:

- 6.DAN Kaisendo Ju-Jitsu;

- 6.DAN Karate Jutsu;

- 5.DAN Real Aikido;

- 2.DAN Judo.

I started training martial arts like many children of that time with karate, now back in 1968 I started with the first steps. Later, with the arrival of judo in Nis, I started training this martial art in 1971. I had my first contact with ju-jitsu in 1978 in the then Yugoslavian National Army. I became acquainted with aikido in 1979. In 1994, at the invitation of Soke Ljubomir Vračarević (10.DAN), I switched to real aikido. Since 2004, I have been primarily practicing ju-jitsu and real aikido. In 2018, I got in touch with Soke Juan Diaz, where I received approval and all the help from him to spread and represent Kaisendo in Serbia. It is important to note that until 2004, I was an active competitor in judo and karate, where I achieved top results. I am a former member of the Yugoslav national team in these martial arts. It is important to mention that I am one of the best and oldest students of Soke Ljubomir Vračarević.

I have held and participated in over 100 seminars in the country and abroad (Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia, Republika Srpska, Bulgaria, Croatia ...). It is especially important to participate in the European Hall of Fame for Martial Arts in Belgrade in 2007, where I presented real aikido.



Milos Golubovic

Born on June 22, 1993.

Sensei, Master of martial arts:

- 3.DAN Kaisendo Ju-Jitsu,

- 3.DAN Karate-Jutsu,

- 2.DAN real aikido.


I have been practicing martial arts since I was 5 years old. I am a student at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Nis, majoring in martial arts. At the same faculty, I graduated as a sports operations coach, with an average grade of 9.08, and passed the final thesis with a grade of 10. I am also active in other martial arts (karate, judo, hapkido, wing chun kuen ...), as well as in scientific work (sport for people with disabilities, sports medicine, nutrition and supplementation, fatigue and recovery ...). So far in my professional work I have been an assistant in private security training, an assistant in the subject of combat skills within the Faculty of Security, a demonstrator in the subject of self-defense and sports for people with disabilities (judo for the blind and visually impaired) at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education. self-defense course for women, lecturer in the action "sports against violence"…

So far, I have participated in over 50 seminars in the country and abroad. I learned from some of the best martial arts masters. Some of them are: Ljubomir Vračarević 10.DAN (real aikido), Radojica Spasović 9.DAN (applied aikido), Bratislav Stajić 9.DAN (international aikido academy), Ana Vračarević 9.DAN (real aikido), Adriano Busa 8.DAN (world ju-jitsu corporation), Toshiro Suga 7.DAN (Aikikai), Milan Đokić 7.DAN (Fudokan karate), Toni Petrov 7.DAN (Ju-jitsu International Federation), Đuro Ilić 7.DAN (real aikido) , Igor Petrović 7.DAN (real aikido), Sanja Vračarević 7.DAN (real aikido), Kamen Radev 6.DAN (world ju-jitsu federation / world ju-jitsu kobudo organization), Valeri Vasilev 6.DAN (Euro-asian Aikido/ real aikido), Ljubiša Golubović 6.DAN (kaisendo ju-jitsu & karate jutsu, real aikido), Mads Rassmusen 5.DAN (united nations of jiu-jitsu), Saša Stojanović 4.DAN (Ju-jitsu club Prokuplje), Cypran Ortan (kali & krav maga), Aleksandar Olić (european wing tsun organization), Hee Chang Jang (world hapkido / kumdo federation) ...



Mitch Gooch

Has training in several Martial Arts style since the age of 8 years old, starting his career in Judo, attending many junior competitions and senior competitions upto the age of 19.  During this time he also studied Taekwondo and Ryu Karate, Self Defence and Bunijitsukan.  Gaining a rank of 2nd Degree in Buninjitsukan, 3rd Degree Ryu Karate and 5th Dan in Self Defence.

At 24 years old he was diagnosed with ATS (Andersen Taiwal Syndrome) which due to ill health caused him to have to use a wheelchair from age of 24 till present.  During this period of adjustment Michael had to make a decision he could either let his illnesses beat him or fight on, he chose to fight on, at 27 he re-entered the martial arts world as a beginner student this time studying the art of Shaolin Ch uan Fa ‘Small Forest Temple Way of Boxing  Which he studied at Hull Kung Fu under Mike and Odette Mitchell and their instructors. 

In 2008 he gained his 1st Degree in this art and in 2012 he opened Gooch Kung Fu, in his Hometown of Scunthorpe, teaching Disabled and Able Bodied students alike, from the confines of his wheelchair. In 2012 he gained his 2nd Degree in Kung Fu, a Disabled Instructors qualification and a 3rd Dan Honourary Degree in Taekada Karate, Aswell as a 3rd Dan in Aikido-Aikijujitsu-Jujitsu and a Grandmasters Dipolma

Michael then went on to gain a 6th Degree Time Served qualification in Self Defence with Black Belt UK in 2017, became an Official Ambassador of the UK for the Golden Dragon and Iron Tiger Fighting Society,

In 2020 the committee of the Hidden Fist Academy awarded Michael his Master’s Degree and Promoted him to 7th Degree as the Founding Father of the Hidden Fist System of Temple Way of Boxing ‘YIN QUAN CHUAN FA’ which is a Adapted version of Shaolin Ch uan Fa,

Developed by Master Michael Lee Gooch from 2008 till 2020, for Disabled People and students with Learning disabilities.  By combining his knowledge of the following arts, styles and systems of: Sacred Fist Self Defence, Buninjitsukan, Ryu Karate and Shaolin Chuan Fa that he has learnt over the years he has trained and taught Martial Arts.

Master Michael Gooch is now a Member of several worldwide and International Associations including WUMO and the World Martial Arts Board.



James A. Gordon

Grandmaster James A. Gordon started his martial arts training at an early age in 1957 at the Osan Martial Arts Academy at Osan Air Force Base. Later, Master Gordon served his country as a Dental Technician in the United States Air Force. Due to his expertise in the martial arts, he was also a Master Instructor at McChord AFB, Combat Control and a Master Instructor for the USAF Security Police (Military Police) also at McChord AFB and received an official letter of recommendation from the commander. He is currently certified as a Body Guard & Personal Protection Specialist by the International Security Service (ISS).

Grandmaster Gordon is a 7th Dan in Taekwondo and an 8th Dan in Hwa Ki Do. He established the I.U.M.A.A. and is the Founder/Soke of Hwa Ki Do. He competed at the Black Belt level for 20 years and was a member of Team Full-Contact ‘USA’, three time Canada Grand Champion-West Coast along with doing charity demonstrations for over 25 years. Master Gordon has been featured in “Black Belt Magazine”, “Karate Illustrated”, “TaeKwonDoTimes”, "The Airlifter" (A USAF publication) and many regional and local newspapers.

He has registered over 250 Black Belt students, developed 15 students to the 5th Dan or above and one of his students became the 8th Dan Soke of Modern Farang Mu Sul. He has had many more accomplishments over the past 45 years-But his best accomplishment in his own words is: “Developing good, honest and productive individuals”

Grandmaster Gordon operates Jaguar Martial Arts in Tacoma, WA and currently serves as the WIF-USA West Coast Representative and is a member of the WIF Master Technical Advisory Council.



Raheem Gouri

Country :- India

Style :- Budokan Star intrnational karrate Black Belt (Shodhan), kick boxing & Muay thai.

course :- bachelor of sports martial art (B.S.M.A)

Medals :-  State level Gold  & National level Silver




        II DAN black belt in Japan shitoryu karate

        I DAN black belt in Kudo mixed martial arts

        Practiced wing Chun kungfu, Indian stick fight and escrima stick fight, jujitsu, judo, mauy Thai.

Young Master. Sensai.


        First Indian attended and won fourth place in “WORLD KUDO MIXED MARTIAL ARTS CHAMPIANSHIP”-2009 in Japan.

        Two times Asian champion in Mixed Martial Arts on 2007.

        Awarded as “ILAM KUDO VADHIYAR” by central minister and South Asian Regional Director.

        First Indian proved that even deaf and blind people can protect themselves by this new martial arts “TOMO”

        Awarded as “chief instructor and technical director” for Kudo daidojuku martial arts- India by World Grand master –Japan.


        Awarded as “Young Master” by World Grandmaster.

        Organized Indo- Srilankan martial arts championship 2009.

        Organised First South Asian Kudo Championship 2011.



Izhac Grinberg

Prof. Dr. Izhac Grinberg, Hanshi:

I have the Close Protection Membership

IBK Kyokushin

Ju-Jitsu for Law Enforcement and Security

Tactical Krav Maga.

I am a Riot-Squad and Krav Maga Instructor at the Israeli Police.

I lecture on Police History at the Israeli Police Heritage House.

I am Hanshi 8th Dan Kyokushin IBK of Jon Bluming

8th Dan Ju-Jitsu for Law Enforcement IBK

Master level-2 Tactical Krav Maga (equivelent to 7th Dan)

1st generation to IMI LIchtenfeld

My website:



Adam Grofik

Senpai Adam Grofik was born in 2001, on Long Island, NY. Inspired by the Bruce Lee movie classics and much of his family members, in 2006 Senpai Grofk then begins to study Shaolin Kempo Karate in Centereach, NY. He studied at Kempo Self Defense Studios under the watchful eye of Sensei Charles P. Hennings. In 2010, Senpai Grofik discovers the sport of folkstyle wrestling with the local wrestling club, but begins to compete in 2013.

In 2011, Senpai Grofik then begins to pursue wrestling at Ovalle Martial Arts Academy alongside his brother, but then finding himself into the karate/mixed martial arts program (Learning: Boxing, Wrestling, Judo, Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu). Since then Senpai Grofik has taken part of the Long Island Fight Club, an organization where other schools get together to improve their fighting skills. During that time period, he was very successful in submission grappling and sport jiu-jitsu competitions.

In June 2013, Senpai received his shodan-ho from Kyoshi Marco Ovalle, Senpai Grofik began to focus on his career of being a martial arts athlete. In June 2014, Senpai Grofik received his shodan in the Chinese Goju System from the “Black Dragon”, Shidoshi Ron Van Clief. In addition, Senpai was a varsity wrestler in middle school in 2015. To add, in December 2016, Senpai Grofik earned his shodan in Kyokushin Karate. In 2017, Grofik was awarded nidan in Chinese Goju by Chinese Goju Ass’n through Shidoshi Glenn Perry. Plus holding a Black Belt in Krav Maga under Grandmaster Stephen Del Castillo and receiving a weapons education in the Kukishin Ryu Bojutsu and Shodoshima Ryu Bojustsu system under Hanshi Alianan A. Ariza. Senpai has also had influences to extend beyond his Goju karate knowledge through Seiko Hanshi Rick Diaz. To add, Grofik has had other influences in the sport martial arts world through Sensei Jadi Tention, Sensei Jesse Wray, Sensei Bill Jones, and Kyoshi Troy Bouton. As well other extraneous influences in other styles of martial arts such as Ju-Jutsu from Sensei Roy Biderman. In 2018, Grofik went on to help build up an affiliate branch of Kyoshi Marco Ovalle’s lineage, which today is formally known as Legacy Martial Arts. Which headed by Sensei Stefanie Wilson and with her husband Sensei Scott Wilson. In that year, Grofik started brief training in White Tiger Kempo and Kajukenbo under both Sensei Amanda Guschel and Sandan Russell Kuchlewski.

Grofik is also a former member of the NY Tournaments Competition Team, which is sponsored by and promotes the NY Tournaments Circuit. He is also a member of the World Organization of Martial Arts Athletes “Team America”.  He has won several championships in traditional weaponry and currently competes with some of the best youth athletes, in the world, today! Senpai teaches the youngsters, guiding them through weaponry, katas, competitive fighting and self-defense. Grofik has achieved many academic achievements in school. He is a continuing member of the National Honor Society, president of the Tri-M Music Honor Society, and a member of the Selden Fire Department. 

Accomplishments/Time Line

        2006-Begins training in Shaolin Kempo Karate

        2008-Begins to compete in strictly Kempo tournaments

        March 2011-Training at Ovalle Martial Arts Academy

        October 2011-Becomes member of Long Island Fight Club ran by Sensei Bill Jones

        June 8, 2013-Received Jr Black Belt under Kyoshi Marco Ovalle

        December 2013-Competes in folk style wrestling

        June 14, 2014- Received Black Belt in Chinese Goju from Shidoshi Ron Van Clief

        November 2014-Recruited by the varsity wrestling team in middle school

        March 2015-Recognized by Middle Country Central School District as a Scholar Athlete; As well as recognized by NY Tournaments as: Top competitor in traditional forms and grand champion in point fighting

        June 2016-Recruted by the NY Tournaments Team

        August 2016-Wins first grand championship in traditional weapons (NYT The Nationals)

        December 3/4, 2016-Received black belt in Kyokushin Karate from Kancho Henri Oh during a test from 12 am to 8 am

        January 2017-Recruited by Team America (World Org of Martial Arts Athletes); Recognized as the “Student of the Year of 2016” by Ovalle Martial Arts Academy

        March 2017-Recognized as Super Grand Champion of 2016 (NY Tournaments) in the 14-15 year old jr. black belt category (#1 in: Trad. Weapons and forms, point fighting)

        April 2017-Recognized by Chinese Goju Int’l as a black belt in the system

        September 2017-Received second degree in Chinese Goju 

        October 2017-Wins first traditional forms grand championship (NYT NY State Championship)

        August 2018-Helps open Legacy Martial Arts in Coram, NY

        September 2018-Receives Probationary Black Belt in Krav Maga under Grandmaster Stephen Del Castillo (KMMA)

        January 2019-Wins last grand championship in youth division (NYT Winter Classic)






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